
Islamic Speakers Bureau, DFW (ISB-DFW) is a non-profit educational organization based in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area. ISB promotes religious literacy and mutual understanding through on-site presentations, cultural competency seminars and interfaith dialogues. ISB challenges stereotypes and works towards preventing prejudice against Islam and Muslims through education and dialog. In a post-9/11 world this work has become critical in combating rising anti-Muslim sentiment that has become common fare in the media, government, and the public square. We believe that a deeper understanding of different religions and cultures contributes to peace and harmony in the world. ISB fulfills a critical need today by striving to improve religious literacy to foster a better understanding between Americans of all faiths.

ISB provides free face-to-face interactions with American Muslim speakers and educators, an approach that is most powerful in overcoming stereotypes and prejudices. Utilizing scholarly developed and time-tested materials, ISB reaches out to thousands of Americans to present on a variety of topics related to Islam and Muslims in schools, colleges and universities, law enforcement agencies, corporations, healthcare facilities, faith-based and community organizations. We subscribe to the principles expressed in the religion clauses of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; our services are therefore academic, informative, objective, and neutral. Our programs are not devotional in nature; we do not proselytize. 

Each of our presentations are customized to fit the needs of the hosting organization and are designed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Correct any misinformation about Islam
  2. Give an overview on Islamic beliefs and practices
  3. Provide tailored information about Muslims as it relates to the needs of the host organization
  4. Foster a sustainable relationship between institutions and the local Muslim community

Please fill out the Speaker request form to request a free speaking engagement from our Certified speakers.

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